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Saturday, 20 May 2017

What you need for Analysis of algorithms?

What you need for analysis of algorithms:

First of all, you need to understand what is an algorithm is ? an algorithm is involved in everyday life. You see it everywhere if there is some task that is performing in a stepwise fashion. So what is stepwise performing of tasks?
Let me help you with an example of sequences of tasks below. Following are the tasks you perform in one after the other and there is a considerable time at each step. An amount of time depends on the resources you have.

  • For making tea you take all the resources like a bowl, milk, sugar and of course tea powder ( I prefer TATA Tea ).
  • First, take the bowl with milk and heat it ( you wait a bit of time until it gets heated). Here you consuming some important resource i.e time and milk also :p.
  • In a kitchen, you place the stove, tea powder, fridge etc it occupies your space.

So for every process of tasks, there must be two resources that are time and space. Time is always now we do not know what will be in the future and Space is what we see now.  These both terms are related to each other. For analyzing algorithm you must have these resources available.

Knowing these resources you can analyze algorithm, the sequences of tasks. All understanding of the algorithms comes from nature only. These resources (time and space) came from nature only and we super humans invented it. However, it helps fully that other humans know what are the things that mainly an algorithm requires. 
This article was written in a joy of stupidity and meanwhile, i am drinking beer. Have a good day of algorithms. 

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What you need for Analysis of algorithms?

What you need for analysis of algorithms: First of all, you need to understand what is an algorithm is ? an algorithm is involved in eve...